Mt. SAC Important Message

Power is restored across campus. Classes and business resume as scheduled.


Tutor Training Tutor Training Logo 

TUTR 10A - Introduction to Tutoring

Introduction to tutoring, with an emphasis on tutoring strategies, problem solving, and working with a diverse student population.

TUTR 10B - Tutoring in the English Language

Tutoring in the English language with an emphasis on approaches to working with students on written drafts and addressing the needs of non-native speakers.

TUTR 10C - Tutoring as a Supplemental Instructor

Tutoring as a Supplemental Instructor with an emphasis on tutoring in the classroom and in small groups under the supervision of a designated instructor.

TUTR 10D - Tutoring in Mathematics

Tutoring in mathematics with an emphasis on strategies to promote active learning.

TUTR 10R - Tutoring in Reading

Application of strategic reading processes and approaches to reading tutoring. Prepares students to become tutors for reading.