Not sure how to chart your path to your academic and career goals? Need help in creating your educational plan? Do you just need someone to talk to? The Mt. SAC Counseling Department is here to provide Personal, Academic and Career Counseling!
Are you part of a special program? Check to see if your program has a Counselor!
Click the name of the program you participate in to see if they have counselors available to meet with you. Students involved in a special program listed below are more likely to find an earlier appointment date than those only looking within general counseling. (You must already be a part of the program in order to meet with one of their counselors.)
Students Most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Click the button below to find answers to your most commonly asked questions like; how do I register for classes, how many units do I have to take, or how do I use an add code.
Have a Quick Question? (EZC)
We have options to help you with your quick counseling questions! For all of our drop-in options, hours are limited and it is intended for quick questions only such as; what classes should I register for this semester or should I drop my class. Counselors will not be able to do educational plans, grad checks, or other counseling items that require more than 10-15 minutes to complete.
- You can stop by in person and check in with our front counter to get added to our in-person drop-in list.
- You can join remotely on our Express Zoom Counseling (EZC). Click the button below to access EZC.
*Note: Quick Questions is only available during Fall semester on Mondays, Tuesdays from 8:30am-6:30pm and Fridays from 8:30am-4:00pm (and is subject to change based on counselor availability).
Schedule An Appointment With A Counselor
The Counseling Department is able to provide 2 different formats for counseling appointments; In-person and video using Zoom. Clicking the button below will take you to our newest system, Navigate, which allows you to do many things including, schedule appointments. There is also a Navigate app that we highly recommend you download for easy access to all your appointments. Counseling appointments are normally 45 minutes in length.
If you need any assistance with booking a counseling appointment we recommend that you call our main counseling line at (909) 274-4380.
Send An Online Counseling Inquiry (Email Based)
Send your question to a counselor via email. Responses may take up to 72 hours excluding weekends and holidays.
Counseling Forms
Click the button below to find and submit forms for clearances, appeals, requests, and more.